Need a gift or want something special for yourself? Take a look at these beautiful pieces of Firefly Jewelry at Minda's. This is just a small sample of the beautiful Guatemalan-made pieces we have available. These necklaces also have matching earrings. You're going to love them!
About Firefly: "Firefly provides employment and training in comfortable working conditions and fair wages to the indigenous people of Santiago Atitlan in Guatemala. The workshop employs over 80 skilled artisans both men and women. The indigenous people of the village are very skilled in their traditional arts; the women weave on the back strap loom and are skilled in embroidery the men weave on foot looms and are skilled in making fishing nets. We have taken many of the traditional skills and transformed them into jewelry making skills. The workshop is spacious and filled with skylights and windows, every artisan has their own worktable and light. It is built around a plant and flower filled courtyard with the ever-vigilant terriers Ricky and Rocky around to greet the workers and roam the gardens.". To learn more about Firefly, go to